Video Resources
FASD Toolkit
Enhancing the Role of Medical Assistants
FASD Toolkit: Enhancing the Role of Medical Assistants
A toolkit to increase the capacity of primary care practices to reduce risky alcohol use and promote alcohol-free pregnancies.
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Continued Collaboration between the AAMA & CASAT
New funding Allows for Continued Collaboration
CDC recently awarded new funding that will allow for the continued collaboration between the AAMA and UNR through 2026.
View Announcement
FASDs are Preventable
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur when an individual is exposed to alcohol prenatally. To prevent FASDs, alcohol should not be consumed during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant.
Medical Assistants are Key
“CMAs (AAMA) are the key communication links between patients and providers, and are uniquely positioned to motivate patients to avoid or stop dangerous alcohol consumption.”
Donald A. Balasa, JD, MBA, AAMA Chief Executive Officer and Legal Counsel